The greatest freedom i know, is the freedom to express yourself. The ability to tell your stories through word, through our photography, through our quotes, the the true essence of who we are is preserved, our culture, what we love, the things that make us laugh the things that make us if you want to say something, write it too, express yourself. Express express.
Express yourself
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Photo by Esther Neema |
- Poetry
- Photography
- Quotes
- Inspirations
- Fashion
You probably have that one chance just dance
Do you wana dance coz you heard music
what are you waiting for, get up on your feet and dance
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Photo Meg pearl by Esther Neema |
dance like you never have
There are not that many chances to dance in the rain
Do you wana say something like love
then say it, you never know wen you will be able to say it again
Say it like you mean, actually when you mean it
Do you want to sing so that your voice is heard, then do it now
you never know what tommorow brings
Henry Van dyke said, "use whatever talent you posses
the woods wold be very silent if no birds sung there except those that sung best"
Everyday at a time, say the things you mean
miss, love, care, cherish, forgive
you never know what tommorow brings
you probably have that one chance
just one chance to say these things
Do you feel fat, and keep complaining about it
its time to shut up and do something about it
if thats what you want, not coz people are saying it
Do you feel alone and you dont reach out to anyone but yourself
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Capture it by Esther Neema |
shut up and do something about it
call a friend for once, and dont wait for them to call you
Do you get shocked and wonder how do things happen
really, people actually look for them
Life really is what you make it
you get what you give
The great book has said it over and over
Do to others what you want them do to you
so really if you give crap to people
you gona get it in double double
I have always said one thing
there is no time to live regretting
But theres time to learn from those mistakes
so really shut up, you cant bring back yesterday
but you can shape tommorow
you can dance to this music today
you never know when you will need that memory
And do you wana cry
cry those tears out
No need to hold them back
you do understand how deep that pain cut
only you know what you are going through
and God of course
I didnt agree with this person the time they said it
but now more than ever i do
you dont need to explain yourself to the whole world
Those who really care, God, your family and your friends
will it a tragedy or a crisis
as long a those close to you know, then the rest, really
theres a reason they are not in that inner circle
No need to live according to what self appointed judges think
theyl always expect more and more no matter how hard you try
Its okay to pause all is well
and act up, but its not okay to fool your self
when you are not happy, you are not happy
there is the picture the world wants to see
but u dont have to be a lie for them to see it
Break when you have to, mend coz its necessary
Life is too short to live it broken
Let go when you need to
because you need to grow
Not everyone who was in your past has to make it in your present
at times you need to let go for you to grow
Surround your self with people who dont take down your energy
Not People who always make you have to explain yourself
Be the best friend you can ever be
but at times you can only be a friend at a distance
Be grateful when you can
because in this world kindness is not a right
Be nice if you can, not for the reward
but its the best you can give
what good does it do you when someone breaks coz you broke them
Cherish those who love you, coz we know they are your few fans
Not everyone is your fan, and no one has the whole world as fans
Be careful not to loose them, because indeed they are a treasure
people who just love you for you, so you too can be their fun
at times you have to come face to face with your fears,
because there is our wars, and there is your war alone,
and though the truth does hurt to know,
you will never learn, when you never know,
then you can fix yourself,
slowly slowly until you get there
someone said "saints are just sinners who fell down and got up",
so we will definitely get up
So really, never loose an opportunity to dance to the sweet mellow music
Seize the opportunity to give some more when you can
Love yourself more than anyone could ever love you
You can only give what you have
Truth is, even though you think you hands are longer than they should be
youl still wake up having them that same length tommorow
and they will not be someone elses hands but yours
youv got to love them, they are yours
So what if people think that you have a fat ass
really, people will have something to think about,
if they dont think that yours if fat
they will think that of someone elses.
so dance dance dance
you probably have that one chance