Feb 24, 2012

The Fallen Angel

Photo By Nuru Jefwa
Poem by Esther Neema
the fallen angel
The icon of beauty, African queen

Black ebony, captivating
milk teeth, a scented rose

Irresistible,men adore
A charm so enticing and yet so deceiving
A beauty so spotless and yet empty

An aura of light and yet a dark soul
A smile of Gold and heart of stone

For that beauty men trade their souls to win a heart
And for what? for nothing?
an emptiness

For lust and passion
they drop their shields and arrows
and stand naked, helpless,weak

desperate for milk, milk never be enough
they trade their all, and for what? nothing!!!

to loose their soul for nothing but a
temporary pleasure

She, the fallen angel
seduces with all she has

with no effort
her innocent looking eyes

her elegance
many have found themselves waiting for a chance

crushed and reduced to nothing they are
if only they could listen

its just for the moment
she is a fallen angel

A temporary pleasure
a heart breaker

money sucking,energy sucking
princess of doom
The fallen angel

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