Wondered why a team that looses over and over
goes back to the playing field the second time, the third time, the fourth and even again when they loose
Its because of hope, that this time its going to be different
This time its our victory
And so are we, hopers, kept alive by hope
For a mother who sends her son to war
Hopes that hel get back safe
A girl who releases her love to someone else
Hopes that she will get over it
A man who woes a woman to win her heart
Hopes that she will fall in love deeply
A hustler in search of money
Hope he can win a lottery
We are hopers, envelped by hope.that
This time its going to be different
So a million losses, a million doubts
is this time, is it going to be different
Some pray, hope that this time this prayer is going to be answered
Some sacrifice and hope this time its going to be worth it
Some cry and hope that this is the last tear shed
This time all shall change in a blink of an eye
To the last grain of hope
we give our all once again
and hope that this time it wont be a waste
We give it all with no reservations
because we just hope that this time its going to be different
So as the sports man waits to score, after missing the first, the second, the third
And finally he scores on the fourth try
And the overwhelming joy of a man break in to tears in uncontrollable joy
is more than breathtaking
And all the hope is not a waste
And so we too shall hope, try it over and over
because this time, its going to be different.

goes back to the playing field the second time, the third time, the fourth and even again when they loose
Its because of hope, that this time its going to be different
This time its our victory
And so are we, hopers, kept alive by hope
For a mother who sends her son to war
Hopes that hel get back safe
A girl who releases her love to someone else
Hopes that she will get over it
A man who woes a woman to win her heart
Hopes that she will fall in love deeply
A hustler in search of money
Hope he can win a lottery
We are hopers, envelped by hope.that
This time its going to be different
So a million losses, a million doubts
is this time, is it going to be different
Some pray, hope that this time this prayer is going to be answered
Some sacrifice and hope this time its going to be worth it
Some cry and hope that this is the last tear shed
This time all shall change in a blink of an eye
To the last grain of hope
we give our all once again
and hope that this time it wont be a waste
We give it all with no reservations
because we just hope that this time its going to be different
So as the sports man waits to score, after missing the first, the second, the third
And finally he scores on the fourth try
And the overwhelming joy of a man break in to tears in uncontrollable joy
is more than breathtaking
And all the hope is not a waste
And so we too shall hope, try it over and over
because this time, its going to be different.

This time its going to be differen
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